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    iOR Suites:

    The Surgical Experience Reimagined

    iOR’s dedication to the task at hand was impressive, to say the least. In just eight months, they helped plan, design, and launch not one but two state-of-the-art surgical suites. Because they’re a physician-led team, they understand the work we do, as well as the equipment and supplies we require.
    - Mark Lobanoff, MD, OVO Lasik + Lens

    A Revolutionary Surgeon Experience

    Imagine what’s possible when you integrate clinic and surgery within the comfort of your own practice.

    • Freedom to perform surgery when and how you want, with 24/7 access, 365 days a year
    • Reduced travel time to and from the hospital or ASC
    • Enhanced patient experience with less stress and no surprises
    • Increased revenue, profitability, and growth potential
    • Increased flexibility for a better work/life balance

    A Turnkey Solution

    Tailor-made for Your Practice

    Just as an ASC offers turnkey surgery by providing everything you need, so does iOR, but with one key difference. The surgeon controls the entire process from beginning to end in your customized surgical suite. 

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    Save Time & Money

    Avoid the potential pitfalls of creating an office-based surgical suite on your own. With iOR by your side, it will take you months, not years, to develop and we will save you money along the way.
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    Gain Peace of Mind

    Never worry about crossing your T's and dotting your I's. Our highly trained team of experts takes the burden of accreditation off the surgeon and staff. We don’t just adhere to national standards; we established the standard for OBS.
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    Achieve Long-Term Success

    You're focused on your long-term success—and so are we. That's why we provide ongoing support for supplies, billing, performance metrics, and so much more.

    iOR Services

    As the only company dedicated to ophthalmic OBS, we provide the expertise you’ll need, so you can focus on what you do best and enjoy most – patient care.

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    Planning, Development, & Launch
    • Space planning, design, buildout support
    • Capital equipment planning
    • Surgical staff training
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    Accreditation & Compliance
    • Protocols, policies, procedures
    • Oversight of Governing Body & QA/PI
    • Management of accreditation process
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    iSupply Materials Management
    • iSupply ordering system
    • GPO membership
    • Inventory oversight
    iOR-OBS-Billing-ExpertiseAsset 6
    iBenefits Billing Support
    • Medicare, Medicare Advantage,
      commercial reimbursements
    • Regulatory compliance knowledge
    • Facility claim navigation
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    Operational Expertise
    • Clinical Operations Manager
    • iDMR OBS charting system
    • Data collection and outcomes reporting


    What Surgeons are Saying About iOR

    "The iOR team has been an excellent partner and guide in allowing us to create a safe and inviting surgical environment for our patients. We were able to navigate the hurdles efficiently while being able to remain clinically busy during the build-out and accreditation process. We are thrilled to now provide a next-level surgical experience combined with top-notch customer service for our patients." Sheel Patel, MD, Cape Fear Eye Associates
    "Office-based surgery is the wave of the future, from scheduling and patient experience to successful outcomes. It makes for a dramatically improved surgical process." - David Mittleman, MD, Mittleman Eye
    "Our Office-based surgery center suite is customized specifically for ophthalmic procedures. Patients enjoy hassle-free scheduling, one-location convenience, reduced surgery time, a premium environment, and a familiar staff who knows them." Jonathon Solomon, MD, Holzman Solomon Vision Partners
    "Thanks to iOR Partners, our office-based surgical suite exceeded our expectations in every aspect. It’s not just a functional space offering flexibility and freedom catering to patients; it’s a testament to their unwavering dedication to our partnership and excellence in delivering a premium patient experience." Bruce Rivers, MD, Envue Eye & Laser
    "iOR has been a true partner for over three years now. They’re always committed to helping our patients and our team have the best possible experience." Robert Melendez, MD, Juliette Eye Institute
    "iOR is committed to growing this industry and to improving surgeon practices. Our partnership has allowed me to have at least one less worry going into surgery, knowing that someone has my back. They want to be there to support my team and have bent over backwards to help make us successful in every way possible. For that, I’m extremely grateful." Alison Tendler, MD, ART Vision
    "iOR facilitated a seamless transition to a state-of-the-art office-based surgical suite. That included everything from space planning to build out and billing assistance. They trained my staff, ordered my equipment, and handled safety and compliance. And they’ll be there down the road with ongoing support." Omar Shakir, MD, Coastal Eye Surgeons
    "We’ve had our iOR Suite for over a year, and it’s been a wonderful experience. Patients and physicians love it. Most importantly, iOR will offer ongoing support in the months and years to come. It’s been so great working with them!" Daniel Caplan, MD, Caplan Eye Clinic
    “Wow! Two years fly by in “the blink of an eye”! Thank you iOR for helping OVO deliver the best surgical experience to our Minnesota patients.” Mark Lobanoff, MD, OVO Lasik + Lens
    “Collaborating with iOR was the best decision we could have made. They offered expertise in construction, management, troubleshooting, reimbursement maximization, and regulatory compliance. We couldn’t have asked for more.” John Josephson, Eye Specialists and Surgeons of Northern Virginia
    “I was able to work with iOR’s wonderful staff to set up our iOR suite safely and affordably. It’s working so well for our patients and our staff.” Joseph Ling, MD, Laser Eye Center of Silicon Valley

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    How To Get Started


    Free Feasibility Analysis

    iOR Partners makes office-based surgery turnkey for you. With as little as 700 square feet, you can seamlessly integrate clinic and surgery in just a few short weeks with no surgery downtime.

    The first step is to understand the financial and logistical feasibility for your practice. Schedule a 30-minute consultation or submit form to start your analysis.